The Illustrated Vance
Ullward's Retreat


The World~Thinker
Planet of the Black Dust
Phalid's Fate
I'll Build Your Dream Castle
Magnus Ridolph ~ 1
Magnus Ridolph ~ 2
Chateau d'If
The Five Gold Bands
The Loom of Darkness
Brain of the Galaxy
Overlords of Maxus
Men of the Ten Books
Son of the Tree
Masquerade on Dicantropus
The Plagian Siphon
Dover Spargill's . . .
Abercrombie Station
Sabotage on Sulfur Planet
Cholwell's Chickens
Big Planet
Planet Of The Damned
Three-Legged Joe
The Mitr
The World Between
Four Hundred Blackbirds
The Enchanted Princess
Meet Miss Universe
The Gift of Gab ~ 1
The Miracle Workers ~ 1
Ullward's Retreat
The Men Return
A Practical Man's Guide
Dodkin's Job
The Augmented Agent ~ 1
Fantastic Stories
The Dragon Masters ~ 1
The Last Castle
The Man From Zodiac
The Domains of Koryphon
Marune: Alastor 933

GALAXY ~ December 1958


Ullward snapped back the wall, to reveal a view over a sylvan glade.
A fine oak tree shaded a pond growing with rushes. A path led through
a field toward a wooded valley a mile in the distance.
They stepped outdoors into the sunlight. Iugenae flung her arms out,
twirled, danced in a circle. "Look! I'm all alone! I'm out here all by myself!"

illo 1

"Lamster Ullward," called Runy, "there's an air-car right behind us."

illo 2

"First I'll show you a map," said Mail. He selected
a rod, dropped it into the table socket. On the wall
appeared a world projection: oceans, an enormous
equatorial land-mass named Gaea; the smaller sub-
continents Atalanta, Persephone, Alcyone. A box of
descriptive information read: MAIL'S PLANET.